We are a group of believers seeking God's will to impact our community with the Good News that changes lives and brings hope!
Currently, we have Sunday School for all ages at 10:00 am and Worship at 11:00 am each Sunday. An indepth Bible Study is provided each Wednesday evening at 6:00 pm in the sanctuary.
Rev. Lawrence Goodman is currently our pastor. Pastor Goodman has been serving churches for over 58 years and inspires the congregation by delivering messages based on God's Word.
We are an evangelistic, mission-minded church with a generally conservative doctrine that focuses on the fact that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and then rose from the grave and ascended to heaven. Our congregation is aligned with and adheres to the The Baptist Faith and Message. This document may be found at http://bfm.sbc.net
We are in the process of enlarging the church parking lot and placing a guard rail in the front. Be watching for this activity. Renovations are being made in the old fellowship hall downstains which recently houses a young adult sunday school class.
This month marks 58 years of pastoring churches in North Carolina and the state of Maryland. Every church is unique and every church's needs vary from one to the other. For some churches their need may be evangelism for others it may be discipleship. It has been my privilege to watch God at work in all the different congregations that I have had the privilege to pastor. One thing I have observed in these 58 years is that all people have basically the same need - a personal relationship with God with a daily walk with Him. If we are to ever regain the status of the New Testament Church, these two things must be emphasized and practiced. It is God working through us (the members of the congregation) that He is able to touch, change and mold lives into 'Christ likeness'. If you would like to a part of this kind of ministry, we invite you and welcome you and we need you!
Orion Baptist Church
477 Frank Dillard Rd., PO Box 1345, Jefferson NC 28626
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